Apiphobia - Fear Of Bees

Find Here Cure for Fear Of Bees

Apiphobia- fear of bees is a common fear among many people including myself. I used to run and scream whenever a bee came around. It is not as bad as some phobias, but more of a nuisance if you like to be outside like I do. I read Phobia Release to overcome my fear and have since not had to run from bees. Since overcoming my fear, I am happier outside since it seems bees are everywhere. I do appreciate the help I received from reading this book and just wanted you to know this fact.

Betty Heckle, Alaska

Other Names

Bee Fear
Bee Phobia
Bees Fear
Bees Phobia
Fear of Bee
Fear of Bees
Phobia of Bee
Phobia of Bees

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

Altophobia - Fear Of Dust / Amathophobia - Fear Of Riding In Cars / Amaxophobia - Fear Of Walking / Ambulophobia - Fear Of Amnesia / Amychophobia - Fear Of Scratches Or Being Scratched / Anablephobia - Fear Of Looking Up / Ancraophobia- Fear Of Wind / Androphobia - Fear Of Men / Anemophobia - Fear Of Air Drafts Or Wind / Anginophobia - Fear Of Angina, Choking Or Narrowness / Anglophobia - Fear Of England or English Culture / Angrophobia - Fear Of Anger Or Of Becoming Angry / Ankylophobia - Fear Of Immobility Of A Joint / Anthrophobia Or Anthophobia - Fear Of Flowers / Anthropophobia - Fear Of People Or Society / Antlophobia - Fear Of Floods / Anuptaphobia - Fear Of Staying Single / Apeirophobia - Fear Of Infinity / Aphenphosmphobia - Fear Of Being Touched (Haphephobia) / Apotemnophobia - Fear Of Persons With Amputations / Arachibutyrophobia- Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking To The Roof Of The Mouth / Arachnephobia Or Arachnophobia - Fear Of Spiders / Arithmophobia - Fear Of Numbers

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