Having Apotemnophobia- fear of persons with amputations has caused some embarrassing moments in my time. The last one was the last straw. I needed help for this problem and Phobia Release was my first and last choice. I stumbled across this on the web and decided to try it. I did overcome my fear and was able to make it through a dinner with my husband’s best friend who is an amputee. I would just like to say thank you, my husband was not as understanding and the book helped me in overcoming my fear.
Anna Stemp, Wisconsin
Other Names
Amputations Fear
Amputations Phobia
Amputate Fear
Amputate Phobia
Amputation Fear
Amputation Phobia
Amputee Fear
Amputee Phobia
Fear of Amputations
Fear of Amputate
Fear of Amputation
Fear of Amputee
Fear of People with Amputations
People with Amputations Fear
People with Amputations Phobia
Phobia of Amputaions
Phobia of Amputate
Phobia of Amputation
Phobia of Amputee
Phobia of People with Amputations