Atomosophobia- Fear of atomic explosions is not common, but it is a real phobia and if you work around gas or any other flammable substance it can also affect your judgment in critical areas. To overcome such a fear was important to my job and my peace of mind. I worked in a chemical plant and was terrified of something exploding. I used your book,
Phobia Release and it helped me in overcoming my fear, which is now my past. I was grateful for that since I do like my job and the money.
Harold Thimig, England
Other Names:
Atomic Explosion Fear
Atomic Explosion Phobia
Atomic Explosions Fear
Atomic Explosions Phobia
Explosion Fear
Explosion Phobia
Explosions Fear
Explosions Phobia
Fear of Atomic Explosion
Fear of Atomic Explosions
Fear of Explosion
Fear of Explosions
Phobia of Atomic Explosion
Phobia of Atomic Explosions
Phobia of Explosion
Phobia of Explosions