Batrachophobia - Fear Of Amphibians: Frogs, Newts, Salamanders...
Fear Of Amphibians
My kids were pet lovers and always came home with something. I was terrified when they brought home critters.
I found out I had Batrachophobia - fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. and it was making my kids mad.
I would literally scream when they both them little things home. They would keep them in their rooms, but it did not matter. I had to overcome this problem.
My husband found Phobia Release and both of us read it and guess what, I was a trooper in overcoming my fear. My kid’s thank you and so do I.
Sarah Thomas, S. Dacota
Other Names:
Amphibians Fear
Amphibians Phobia
Fear of Amphibians
Fear of Newts
Fear of Salamanders
Newts Fear
Newts Phobia
Phobia of Amphibians
Phobia of Newts
Phobia of Salamanders
Salamanders Fear
Salamanders Phobia
Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions
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Bolshephobia- Fear Of Bolsheviks
/ Barophobia - Fear Of Gravity
/ Basophobia Or Basiphobia
/ Bathmophobia - Fear Of Stairs Or Steep Slopes
/ Bathophobia - Fear Of Depth
/ Batophobia - Fear Of Heights Or Being Close To High Buildings
/ Belonephobia - Fear Of Pins And Needles (Aichmophobia)
/ Bibliophobia - Fear Of Books
/ Blennophobia - Fear Of Slime
/ Bogyphobia- Fear Of Bogeys Or The Bogeyman
/ Botanophobia - Fear Of Plants
/ Bromidrosiphobia Or Bromidrophobia Fear Of Body Smells
/ Brontophobia - Fear Of Thunder And Lightning
/ Bufonophobia - Fear Of Toads
/ Cacophobia - Fear Of Ugliness
/ Cainophobia Or Cainotophobia - Fear Of Newness, Novelty
/ Caligynephobia - Fear Of Beautiful Women
/ Cancerophobia Or Carcinophobia - Fear Of Cancer
/ Cardiophobia - Fear Of The Heart
/ Carnophobia - Fear Of Meat
/ Catagelophobia - Fear Of Being Ridiculed
/ Catapedaphobia - Fear Of Jumping From High And Low Places
/ Cathisophobia - Fear Of Sitting
/ Catoptrophobia - Fear Of Mirrors