Entomophobia - Fear Of Insects


I had this horrible fear called Entomophobia- fear of insects and I just screamed and ran when I saw insects of any kind.

Having a picnic outside was not heard of as well as sitting outside around the bonfire with my family.

To overcome this fear I read Energy Therapy and it helped me in overcoming my fear. It took some time, but I kept it up until I was finally able to be outside or even in my basement were insects were.

I just wanted to drop you a note to express my thanks for a good book that has information that works.

Lydia Newcome

Other Names:

Bug Fear

Bug Phobia


Fear of Bugs

Fear of Insects

Insect Fear

Insect Phobia


Phobia of Bugs

Phobia of Insects

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Enetophobia - Fear Of Pins / Enochlophobia - Fear Of Crowds / Enosiophobia Or Enissophobia / Eosophobia - Fear Of Dawn Or Daylight / Ephebiphobia - Fear Of Teenagers / Epistaxiophobia - Fear Of Nosebleeds / Epistemophobia - Fear Of Knowledge / Equinophobia - Fear Of Horses / Eremophobia - Fear Of Being Oneself Or Of Loneliness / Ereuthrophobia- Fear Of Blushing / Ergasiophobia - Fear Of Work Or Functioning, Surgeon's Fear Of Operating / Fear Of Work Or Good News/ Erotophobia - Fear Of Sexual Love Or Sexual Questions / Euphobia - Fear Of Hearing Good News / Eurotophobia - Fear Of Female Genitalia / Erythrophobia, Erytophobia, Or Ereuthophobia- Fear Of Red Light, Blushing, Red / Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Or Fibriophobia - Fear Of Fever / Felinophobia- Fear Of Cats (Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia / Francophobia- Fear Of France Or French Culture (Gallophobia, Galiophobia) / Frigophobia - Fear Of Cold Or Cold Things (Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychro) / Gamophobia - Fear Of Marriage / Geliophobia - Fear Of Laughter / Gallophobia Or Galiophobia- Fear France Or French Culture (Francophobia) / Galeophobia Or Gatophobia - Fear Of Cats