Hedonophobia - Fear Of Feeling Pleasure

Fear Of Feeling Pleasure

I was always confused and depressed until I found out my problem may be Hedonophobia - fear of feeling pleasure.

It was not something I understood, but I did know I needed to overcome this fear.

I looked at different products and even hypnotism, but when I found your book Energy Therapy, I decided to try it.

Overcoming my phobia was possible because of your book. I do not pretend to know how it worked, but it did. I just wanted to say thank you for such a helpful and informative book that helped me to accept pleasure in my life.

Hayley Hanson

Other Names:

Fear of Feeling Good

Fear of Feeling Pleasure

Fear of Pleasure

Feeling Good Fear

Feeling Good Phobia

Feeling Pleasure Fear

Feeling Pleasure Phobia


Phobia of Feeling Good

Phobia of Feeling Pleasure

Phobia of Pleasure

Pleasure Fear

Pleasure Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Herpetophobia - Fear Of Reptiles Or Creepy, Crawly Things / Heresyphobia Or Hereiophobia - Fear Of Challenges / Hemophobia, Hemaphobia Or Hematophobia - Fear Of Blood / Helminthophobia - Fear Of Being Infested With Worms / Hellenologophobia - Fear Of Greek Terms Or Complex Scientific Terminology / Heliophobia - Fear Of The Sun / Harpaxophobia - Fear Of Being Robbed / Haphephobia Or Haptephobia - Fear Of Being Touched / Hamartophobia - Fear Of Sinning / Hagiophobia - Fear Of Saints Or Holy Things / Hadephobia - Fear Of Hell / Gynephobia Or Gynophobia - Fear Of Women / Gymnophobia - Fear Of Nudity / Graphophobia - Fear Of Writing Or Handwriting / Gnosiophobia - Fear Of Knowledge / Glossophobia - Fear Of Speaking In Public Or Of Trying To Speak / Geumaphobia Or Geumophobia - Fear Of Taste / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Growing Old / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Old People Or Of Growing Old / Germanophobia - Fear Of Germany Or German Culture / Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia - Fear Of Crossing Bridges / Genuphobia - Fear Of Knees / Genophobia - Fear Of Sex / Geniophobia - Fear Of Chins