Heliophobia - Fear Of The Sun

Fear Of The Sun

Heliophobia- fear of the sun was what I had.

People used to laugh and joke about me being a vampire and that just made me feel worst.

I do not why I had this phobia, but I do know I wanted to do something to overcome this fear.

I found Phobia Release and thought this might be able to help me in overcoming my fear. I read the book and used the ideas presented. I was amazed when I overcame my fear fo the sun and was able to go outside without having a panic attack. I wanted to say think you for a great book. I hope it helps others as well.

James Weston

Other Names:

Fear of Sun

Fear of The Sun


Phobia of Sun

Phobia of The Sun

Sun Fear

Sun Phobia

The Sun Fear

The Sun Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Herpetophobia - Fear Of Reptiles Or Creepy, Crawly Things / Heresyphobia Or Hereiophobia - Fear Of Challenges / Hemophobia, Hemaphobia Or Hematophobia - Fear Of Blood / Helminthophobia - Fear Of Being Infested With Worms / Hellenologophobia - Fear Of Greek Terms Or Complex Scientific Terminology / Hedonophobia - Fear Of Feeling Pleasure / Harpaxophobia - Fear Of Being Robbed / Haphephobia Or Haptephobia - Fear Of Being Touched / Hamartophobia - Fear Of Sinning / Hagiophobia - Fear Of Saints Or Holy Things / Hadephobia - Fear Of Hell / Gynephobia Or Gynophobia - Fear Of Women / Gymnophobia - Fear Of Nudity / Graphophobia - Fear Of Writing Or Handwriting / Gnosiophobia - Fear Of Knowledge / Glossophobia - Fear Of Speaking In Public Or Of Trying To Speak / Geumaphobia Or Geumophobia - Fear Of Taste / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Growing Old / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Old People Or Of Growing Old / Germanophobia - Fear Of Germany Or German Culture / Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia - Fear Of Crossing Bridges / Genuphobia - Fear Of Knees / Genophobia - Fear Of Sex / Geniophobia - Fear Of Chins