Homichlophobia - Fear Of Fog

Fear Of Fog

Homichlophobia- fear of fog has always been a fear that I have had since childhood.

I was so afraid of every little noise or movement when it was foggy outside.

Overcoming my fear was successful with your boo called Energy Therapy. It was something that I just thought I had to live with until your booked help me overcome the fear.

I was never really sure until now, what caused my fear, but I am happy to say that your book worked wonders for me. I wanted to write and thank you for a great book that worked for me..

Faith Lubbers

Other Names:

Fear of Fog

Fear of Fogginess

Fear of Foggy

Fog Fear

Fog Phobia

Fogginess Fear

Fogginess Phobia

Foggy Fear

Foggy Phobia


Phobia of Fog

Phobia of Fogginess

Phobia of Foggy

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Heterophobia- Fear Of The Opposite Sex - Sexofobia / Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear Of The Number 666 / Hierophobia- Fear Of Priests Or Sacred Things / Hippophobia - Fear Of Horses / Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear Of Long Words / Hobophobia - Fear Of Bums Or Beggars / Hodophobia - Fear Of Road Travel / Hormephobia - Fear Of Shock / Hominophobia - Fear Of Men / Homophobia - Fear Of Sameness, Monotony, Of Homosexuality / Hoplophobia - Fear Of Firearms / Hydrargyophobia - Fear Of Mercurial Medicines / Hydrophobia - Fear Of Water Or Of Rabies / Hydrophobophobia - Fear Of Rabies / Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia - Fear Of Glass / Hygrophobia - Fear Of Liquids / Hylephobia - Fear Of Materialism Or The Fear Of Epilepsy / Hylophobia - Fear Of Forests / Hypengyophobia Or Hypegiaphobia - Fear Of Responsibility / Hypnophobia - Fear Of Sleep Or Of Being Hypnotized / Hypsiphobia - Fear Of Height / Iatrophobia - Fear Of Going To The Doctor Or Of Doctors / Ichthyophobia - Fear Of Fish