Lachanophobia - Fear Of Vegetables

Lachanophobia - Fear Of Vegetables

Lachanophobia- fear of vegetables is a strange and very rare phobia to me.

When I discovered what my phobia was, I used your book of Phobia Release to help me overcome my fear.

In overcoming my fear, I was able to eat vegetables, plant vegetables and enjoy vegetables. I do not know what caused me to have this phobia, but I am glad that I am now over this fear.

My family is also happy because they enjoy vegetables with meals. I would just like to say how happy I was that I found your book and tell you it was very useful in helping me.

Cindy Madison

Other Names

Fear of Vegetable

Fear of Vegetables


Phobia of Vegetable

Phobia of Vegetables

Vegetable Fear

Vegetable Phobia

Vegetables Fear

Vegetables Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Leprophobia Or Lepraphobia - Fear Of Leprosy / Fear Of Speaking / Leukophobia - Fear Of The Color White / Levophobia - Fear Of Things To The Left Side Of The Body / Ligyrophobia - Fear Of Loud Noises / Lilapsophobia - Fear Of Tornadoes And Hurricanes / Limnophobia - Fear Of Lakes / Linonophobia - Fear Of String / Liticaphobia - Fear Of Lawsuits / Lockiophobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Logizomechanophobia - Fear Of Computers / Logophobia - Fear Of Words / Luiphobia - Fear Of Lues, Syphilis / Lutraphobia - Fear Of Otters / Lygophobia - Fear Of Darkness / Macrophobia - Fear Of Long Waits / Lyssophobia - Fear Of Rabies Or Of Becoming Mad