Lyssophobia - Fear Of Rabies Or Of Becoming Mad


I was always afraid of animals because I had Lyssophobia- fear of rabies or of becoming mad.

Until I got older and start having a family, it never bothered me.

I knew I needed to overcome my fear when I kept refusing to let my husband or my son have a cat and a dog.

Overcoming my fear was easy, when I used Energy Therapy.

I found that this book was very informational and supported good techniques for overcoming a fear.

Although I am not completely sure I want a dog of a cat in the house. I do know I am over my fear.

Yvonne Franklin

Other Names

Fear of Rabid

Fear of Rabies


Phobia of Rabid

Phobia of Rabies

Rabid Fear

Rabid Phobia

Rabies Fear

Rabies Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Leprophobia Or Lepraphobia - Fear Of Leprosy / Fear Of Speaking / Lachanophobia - Fear Of Vegetables / Leukophobia - Fear Of The Color White / Levophobia - Fear Of Things To The Left Side Of The Body / Ligyrophobia - Fear Of Loud Noises / Lilapsophobia - Fear Of Tornadoes And Hurricanes / Limnophobia - Fear Of Lakes / Linonophobia - Fear Of String / Liticaphobia - Fear Of Lawsuits / Lockiophobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Logizomechanophobia - Fear Of Computers / Logophobia - Fear Of Words / Luiphobia - Fear Of Lues, Syphilis / Lutraphobia - Fear Of Otters / Lygophobia - Fear Of Darkness / Macrophobia - Fear Of Long Waits