This fear I had before reading your book Phobia Release was called Microphobia- fear of small things.
I was so afraid of things that were small. That is not so good when you have small kids with small toys and stuffed animals.
Overcoming my fear with your book has helped me tremendously.
Thank you for writing such a good book. I think it is something that could help others.
I know that I tell everyone about your book and how much it helped me.
I will always appreciate your book for what it did for my family and me. Thanks again.
Faith Hopeman
Other Names
Fear of Small
Fear of Small Thing
Fear of Small Things
Fear of Things that are Small
Phobia of Small
Phobia of Small Thing
Phobia of Small Things
Phobia of Things that are Small
Small Fear
Small Phobia
Small Thing Fear
Small Thing Phobia
Small Things Fear
Small Things Phobia
Things that are Small Fear
Things that are Small Phobia
Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions
Go from Microphobia - Fear Of Small Things to Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Home
Medorthophobia - Fear Of An Erect Penis / Megalophobia - Fear Of Large Things / Melissophobia - Fear Of Bees / Melanophobia - Fear Of The Color Black / Melophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Music / Meningitophobia - Fear Of Brain Disease / Menophobia - Fear Of Menstruation / Merinthophobia - Fear Of Being Bound Or Tied Up / Metallophobia - Fear Of Metal / Metathesiophobia - Fear Of Changes / Meteorophobia - Fear Of Meteors / Methyphobia - Fear Of Alcohol / Metrophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Poetry / Microbiophobia - Fear Of Microbes (Bacillophobia) / Misophobia Or Mysophobia - Fear Of Being Contaminated With Dirt Or Germs / Mnemophobia - Fear Of Memories / Molysmophobia Or Molysomophobia - Fear Of Dirt Or Contamination / Monophobia - Fear Of Solitude Or Being Alone / Monopathophobia - Fear Of Definite Disease / Motorphobia - Fear Of Automobiles / Musophobia Or Muriphobia - Fear Of Mice / Mycophobia - Fear Or Aversion To Mushrooms / Mycrophobia - Fear Of Small Things