Misophobia Or Mysophobia - Fear Of Being Contaminated With Dirt Or Germs


Misophobia or Mysophobia - fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs is something you usually see on television on that show "Monk."

The truth is that I had this problem until I read your book Phobia Release. Overcoming this fear was so important for me.

I hated feeling this way and was constantly wiping things and scrubbing my hands all the time. What you see "Monk" go through on television was my life.

I have overcome this fear and I am now able to live a normal life again. Thank you for a good book to help me.

Sandy Urbis

Other Names

Being Contaminated by Dirt Fear

Being Contaminated by Dirt Phobia

Being Contaminated by Germs Fear

Being Contaminated by Germs Phobia

Contamination Anxiety

Contamination Fear

Contamination Phobia

Fear of Being Contaminated by Dirt

Fear of Being Contaminated by Germs

Fear of Contamination



Phobia of Being Contaminated by Dirt

Phobia of Being Contaminated by Germs

Phobia of Contamination

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Medorthophobia - Fear Of An Erect Penis / Megalophobia - Fear Of Large Things / Melissophobia - Fear Of Bees / Melanophobia - Fear Of The Color Black / Melophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Music / Meningitophobia - Fear Of Brain Disease / Menophobia - Fear Of Menstruation / Merinthophobia - Fear Of Being Bound Or Tied Up / Metallophobia - Fear Of Metal / Metathesiophobia - Fear Of Changes / Meteorophobia - Fear Of Meteors / Methyphobia - Fear Of Alcohol / Metrophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Poetry / Microbiophobia - Fear Of Microbes (Bacillophobia) / Microphobia - Fear Of Small Things / Mnemophobia - Fear Of Memories / Molysmophobia Or Molysomophobia - Fear Of Dirt Or Contamination / Monophobia - Fear Of Solitude Or Being Alone / Monopathophobia - Fear Of Definite Disease / Motorphobia - Fear Of Automobiles / Musophobia Or Muriphobia - Fear Of Mice / Mycophobia - Fear Or Aversion To Mushrooms / Mycrophobia - Fear Of Small Things