Have you ever moved out of your house because there was a mouse inside?
Musophobia or Muriphobia- fear of mice caused me to leave my home until my husband found and got rid of the mouse.
I needed proof as well. Overcoming this fear was done with a book called Phobia Release that you had written.
I was happy to overcome my phobia. My husband is no longer spending nights chasing a mouse when it gets in the house.
We did get two cats just to be safe. Thank you for writing a book that could help many others and me.
Nadine Buschman
Other Names
Fear of Mice
Mice Fear
Mice Phobia
Mouse Fear
Mouse Phobia
Phobia of Mice
Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions
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Medorthophobia - Fear Of An Erect Penis / Megalophobia - Fear Of Large Things / Melissophobia - Fear Of Bees / Melanophobia - Fear Of The Color Black / Melophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Music / Meningitophobia - Fear Of Brain Disease / Menophobia - Fear Of Menstruation / Merinthophobia - Fear Of Being Bound Or Tied Up / Metallophobia - Fear Of Metal / Metathesiophobia - Fear Of Changes / Meteorophobia - Fear Of Meteors / Methyphobia - Fear Of Alcohol / Metrophobia - Fear Or Hatred Of Poetry / Microbiophobia - Fear Of Microbes (Bacillophobia) / Microphobia - Fear Of Small Things / Misophobia Or Mysophobia - Fear Of Being Contaminated With Dirt Or Germs / Mnemophobia - Fear Of Memories / Molysmophobia Or Molysomophobia - Fear Of Dirt Or Contamination / Monophobia - Fear Of Solitude Or Being Alone / Monopathophobia - Fear Of Definite Disease / Motorphobia - Fear Of Automobiles / Mycophobia - Fear Or Aversion To Mushrooms / Mycrophobia - Fear Of Small Things