Oenophobia - Fear Of Wines


There are not many people that have Oenophobia- fear of wines, but I am one of those people that does have this fear.

I have never thought about my phobia much, but after getting married, my wife though I should seek help to overcome my fear.

I read and followed Phobia Release, which I have to say, helped me with overcoming my fear of wine.

I have succeeded and now feel differently about wines.

Thank s for a great help aid that does work. I am surprised, but happy that it worked so I do not have to try anything else.

Rod Schultz

Other Names

Fear of Wine

Fear of Wines

Phobia of Wine

Phobia of Wines

Wine Fear

Wine Phobia

Wines Fear

Wines Phobia

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Odontophobia - Fear Of Teeth Or Dental Surgery / Odynophobia Or Odynephobia - Fear Of Pain (Algophobia) / Oikophobia - Fear Of Home Surroundings, House (Domatophobia, Eicophobia) / Olfactophobia - Fear Of Smells / Ombrophobia - Fear Of Rain Or Of Being Rained On / Ommetaphobia Or Ommatophobia - Fear Of Eyes / Oneirophobia - Fear Of Dreams / Oneirogmophobia - Fear Of Wet Dreams / Onomatophobia - Fear Of Hearing A Certain Word Or Of Names / Ophidiophobia - Fear Of Snakes (Snakephobia) / Ophthalmophobia - Fear Of Being Stared At / Opiophobia- Fear Medical Doctor's Experience / Optophobia- Fear Of Opening One's Eyes / Ornithophobia - Fear Of Birds / Orthophobia - Fear Of Property / Osmophobia Or Osphresiophobia - Fear Of Smells Or Odors / Ostraconophobia - Fear Of Shellfish / Ouranophobia Or Uranophobia - Fear Of Heaven