Opiophobia- Fear Medical Doctor's Experience

Opiophobia- Fear Medical Doctor's Experience Of Prescribing Needed Pain Medications For Patients

Opiophobia- fear medical doctor's experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients is the fear I had.

I had a hard time accepting any medication from a doctor without asking his nurse, the doctor himself, the pharmacists and anyone that would listen if the drug was right or would it be good for me.

Phobia Release helped me in overcoming my fear and giving more trust in my doctor.

I have overcome my fear and it is thanks to your book. You are a very smart person that can help many people with this book if they read it and learn from it.

Faith Harold

Other Names

Doctor Fear

Doctor Phobia

Fear of Doctors

Fear of Going to the Doctor


Phobia of Going to the Doctor

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Odontophobia - Fear Of Teeth Or Dental Surgery / Odynophobia Or Odynephobia - Fear Of Pain (Algophobia) / Oenophobia - Fear Of Wines / Oikophobia - Fear Of Home Surroundings, House (Domatophobia, Eicophobia) / Olfactophobia - Fear Of Smells / Ombrophobia - Fear Of Rain Or Of Being Rained On / Ommetaphobia Or Ommatophobia - Fear Of Eyes / Oneirophobia - Fear Of Dreams / Oneirogmophobia - Fear Of Wet Dreams / Onomatophobia - Fear Of Hearing A Certain Word Or Of Names / Ophidiophobia - Fear Of Snakes (Snakephobia) / Ophthalmophobia - Fear Of Being Stared At / Optophobia- Fear Of Opening One's Eyes / Ornithophobia - Fear Of Birds / Orthophobia - Fear Of Property / Osmophobia Or Osphresiophobia - Fear Of Smells Or Odors / Ostraconophobia - Fear Of Shellfish / Ouranophobia Or Uranophobia - Fear Of Heaven