Pediculophobia - Fear Of Lice


I have always had this fear ever since I was in school.

Pediculophobia- fear of lice caused me a lot of anguish and suffering as I was growing up.

Overcoming this fear was something very important to me.

Since I have my own kids now, I needed to be able to send him to school without worrying that they would come home with lice.

I read Energy Therapy and it helped me to overcome my fear.

I am happy, the kids are happy and my husband is thrilled. Thank you very much for this book, it helped me a great deal.

Brandi Matthews

Other Names

Fear of Lice

Fear of Louse

Lice Fear

Lice Phobia

Louse Fear

Louse Phobia


Phobia of Lice

Phobia of Louse

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Paraphobia - Fear Of Sexual Perversion / Parasitophobia - Fear Of Parasites / Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear Of Friday The 13th / Parthenophobia - Fear Of Virgins Or Young Girls / Pathophobia - Fear Of Disease / Patroiophobia - Fear Of Heredity / Parturiphobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Peccatophobia - Fear Of Sinning Or Imaginary Crimes / Pediophobia - Fear Of Dolls / Pedophobia - Fear Of Children / Peladophobia - Fear Of Bald People / Pellagrophobia - Fear Of Pellagra / Peniaphobia - Fear Of Poverty / Pentheraphobia - Fear Of Mother-In-Law (Novercaphobia) / Phagophobia - Fear Of Swallowing Or Of Eating Or Of Being Eaten / Phalacrophobia - Fear Of Becoming Bald / Phallophobia - Fear Of A Penis, ESP Erect / Pharmacophobia - Fear Of Taking Medicine / Phasmophobia - Fear Of Ghosts / Phengophobia - Fear Of Daylight Or Sunshine / Philemaphobia Or Philematophobia - Fear Of Kissing / Philophobia - Fear Of Falling In Love Or Being In Love / Philosophobia - Fear Of Philosophy / Phobophobia - Fear Of Phobias