Pharmacophobia - Fear Of Taking Medicine


Pharmacophobia- fear of taking medicine is something that you usually hear about kids having.

I am a 20-year-old woman who is afraid of taking medicine.

I used your book Energy Therapy to help me with overcoming this fear.

I followed the book step by step and did everything I was supposed to do and it work.

I was so surprised and just wanted to let you know that the book worked for me. Thank you for making this book available to me and everyone else who needs help.

This is a book that I will keep around in case I meet somebody else that needs help.

Phyllis Grasskamp

Other Names

Fear of Medicine

Fear of Taking Drugs

Fear of Taking Medicine

Medicine Fear

Medicine Phobia


Phobia of Medicine

Phobia of Taking Drugs

Phobia of Taking Medicine

Taking Drugs Fear

Taking Drugs Phobia

Taking Medicine Fear

Taking Medicine Phobia

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Paraphobia - Fear Of Sexual Perversion / Parasitophobia - Fear Of Parasites / Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear Of Friday The 13th / Parthenophobia - Fear Of Virgins Or Young Girls / Pathophobia - Fear Of Disease / Patroiophobia - Fear Of Heredity / Parturiphobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Peccatophobia - Fear Of Sinning Or Imaginary Crimes / Pediculophobia - Fear Of Lice / Pediophobia - Fear Of Dolls / Pedophobia - Fear Of Children / Peladophobia - Fear Of Bald People / Pellagrophobia - Fear Of Pellagra / Peniaphobia - Fear Of Poverty / Pentheraphobia - Fear Of Mother-In-Law (Novercaphobia) / Phagophobia - Fear Of Swallowing Or Of Eating Or Of Being Eaten / Phalacrophobia - Fear Of Becoming Bald / Phallophobia - Fear Of A Penis, ESP Erect / Phasmophobia - Fear Of Ghosts / Phengophobia - Fear Of Daylight Or Sunshine / Philemaphobia Or Philematophobia - Fear Of Kissing / Philophobia - Fear Of Falling In Love Or Being In Love / Philosophobia - Fear Of Philosophy / Phobophobia - Fear Of Phobias