Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety Attack

We have all from time to time experienced physical symptoms of an anxiety attack. However, that does not mean that we all suffer from anxiety attacks.

Knowing what physical symptoms of anxiety attacks are is important, but that knowledge should be used in a smart way.

Do not self-diagnose and do not diagnose your loved one because the appropriate diagnosis can be made only by a health professional.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Attack are:

• Chest pain: Chest pain that is not related to heart disease or any other physical disease is very likely to be a symptom of an anxiety attack. In fact, unexplained chest pain is one of the main symptoms of anxiety. People that experience this chest pain are usually very afraid of having a heart attack and sometimes even dying.

• Shortness of breath: This is another very common physical symptom of an anxiety attack and individuals that experience it are often afraid that they may suffocate, which intensifies their panic attack. This is why when are experiencing an anxiety attack, it is important to remember to take deep breaths and apply so called calming techniques.

• Trembling or shaking: If a person is trembling and shaking without the apparent reason, they may be experiencing an anxiety attack.

• Palpitations or accelerated heart rate.

• Increased sweating

• Stomach discomfort

• Any unexplained pain that can increase during the anxiety attack.

• Urgency to urinate

• Muscle twitching

• Headaches

• Shaking

• Chocking

• Dry mouth

• Blushing

The important thing to know about the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks is that they are in most cases, very individual and repetitive. This means that one individual that suffers from anxiety attacks will exhibit almost the same physical and other symptoms of anxiety.

The intensity of the physical symptoms depends on the severity of the anxiety attack. Symptom intensity can be mild or severe or anything in between. Sometimes symptoms of an anxiety attack are so intense that the person believes they are about to die or go crazy.

When this happens, it is very important that people that are around the individual know what they should and should not do in order to calm down that individual.

If a family member or friend are witnessing their loved one having an anxiety attack, but do not know how they should behave around that person, the best thing for them and their loved one is to do nothing. This is because if they do not know what the right thing to do is, there is a chance that they would do something that would upset their loved one even more and make him or her feel even worse than they do already.

Knowing what your physical symptoms of an anxiety attack are can help you predict and better prepare for your anxiety attack. In some cases, it can even help you prevent your panic attack. However, not that many people have succeeded in that.

When coping with an anxiety attack, it is important that people that are in your life know what you are going through and what they should be doing if you start having an anxiety attack when they are around you. This means that your family, friends and coworkers should all be familiar with your situation and prepared for your possible panic attack.

Another important thing to remember is that anything can be a physical symptom of an anxiety attack including sudden coughing, laughing, rapid blinking, itching as well as the symptoms that are outlined above and many others. In order to find out what your explicit and implicit physical symptoms of an anxiety attack are, someone else needs to observe you carefully during your anxiety attack, or even better, they can video record your attack.

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