Signs of Anxiety and Depression

What Are The Signs of Anxiety and Depression

There is more than one way to categorize signs of anxiety and depression.

However the best categorization is physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral signs of anxiety and depression.

This categorization is the best because it is precise and it shows how these two disorders combined affect ones mind and body.

Physical signs of anxiety and depression:



Dry mouth

Chronic unexplained pain

Digestive disorders

Dry, watery or itchy eyes

Chest pain

Chronic sore muscles

Muscle Tension

Muscle twitching

Blushing when in certain situations


Cognitive signs of anxiety and depression:

Thinking about death or suicide

Having problems concentrating

Having tendencies to predict the worst

Recurrent or obsessive thoughts

Intrusive thoughts

Constant negative thinking

Emotional signs of anxiety and depression:



Emotional Numbness

Fear of going crazy

Feelings of guilt

Dramatic mood swings

Fear of death

Fear of some specific thing or situation


Behavioral signs of anxiety and depression:



Appetite change

Excessive working

Skin picking


Loss or increased interest in sex

Crying for no apparent reason or not being able to cry

Aggressive behavior

Alcohol or drug abuse

Anxiety And Depression Diagnosis

Anxiety and depression can be diagnosed only by a health professional. You should never self-diagnose nor should you diagnose a loved one or a friend that may appear to suffer from anxiety and depression. Just because someone has some symptoms or signs of depression, does not mean that they are depressed.

It is always good to know what the signs of anxiety and depression are because you can potentially recognize that you or your loved one needs help. If you recognize anxiety and depression in yourself, you need to seek out a health professional. You should never self-medicate with medication or with natural supplements.

In addition, you should never start any form of treatment for anxiety and depression without professional advice and supervision. You can do a lot of harm to yourself with inappropriate treatments. Therefore, if you suspect that you may be depressed you should always go to the health professional first and receive the appropriate diagnosis and therapy.

What are the severe signs of anxiety and depression?

Severe signs of anxiety and depression are qualitatively the same as other signs of depression and anxiety. The only thing that make the signs severe is their intensity, which is much more intense in cases of severe anxiety and depression. Severe signs of any illness are always easy to recognize and in most cases obvious, which is not the case with early signs of anxiety and depression.

How to recognize early signs of anxiety and depression?

It is very difficult to tell the difference between the early signs of anxiety and depression and normal people’s reaction to stressful situations. Even health professionals including psychologists and psychiatrists have difficulty with this. This is another reason why you should not self-diagnose or self-medicate yourself or anybody else. If you medicate for one thing and you suffer from something else, you may end up hurting or even killing yourself.

Knowledge is power and as any other power, it can be abused or misused. Use your knowledge about the signs of anxiety and depression in the right way and do not jump to conclusions. If you think that you or someone close to you may be suffering from anxiety and depression, go to the health professional and find out.

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