Symptoms of Depression in Man

Depression in Man Testimonial

If you are a man and have some low self-esteem issues or even fatigue, appetite changes sexual problems or even lack of interest in things you used to enjoy, you may have symptoms of depression in man.

I was never going to admit I had a problem. I was a man and did not need anyone telling me there was something wrong with me. My wife had different feelings about my change. She told me that love was not enough anymore because she did not even know who I was anymore.

That was what it took for me. You read horror stories about woman being killed by men they were with who were deranged. I did not want that to be me.

Most of those men were depressed and it could be me as well I thought. I would yell for no reason, lie awake at night and wonder why I was here and what I was going to do to end it all. I met with a doctor to discuss my symptoms and was surprised to learn I was depressed. The signs I was showing could have become worst if I had not sought treatment. With some help and understanding from my wife, I attended weekly sessions with a men's group that included other men in the same situation.

I learned that symptoms of depression in man were different from symptoms in women. I also learned how to do things differently so I did not feel like a failure. I was able to work with my depression instead of letting it consume me.

Now that I am in treatment, I have been able to communicate with people better and I have my life under control again. I will never let sleepless nights or lack of interest in food to take over my life again.

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