I guess that some people would pray for their wives to have this, but it was a upset in my home.
I had Telephonophobia - fear of telephones and refused to have one in sight, but I my family needed to have one.
Energy Therapy was able to help me overcome my fear and allow the telephone to sit out instead of being hid away.
Family and friends like it and so does my family.
Overcoming my fear was nice, but I just do not want people to think I want to spend hours on the phone. Thank you for your help.
Pamela Franzen
Other Names
Cold Calling Anxiety
Cold Calling Phobia
Fear of Cold Calling
Fear of Making Phone Calls
Fear of Phone
Fear of Phones
Fear of Telephone
Fear of Telephones
Phobia of Phone
Phobia of Phones
Phobia of Telephone
Phobia of Telephones
Phone Fear
Phone Phobia
Phones Fear
Phones Phobia
Telephone Fear
Telephone Phobia
Telephones Fear
Telephones Phobia
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Theatrophobia - Fear Of Theatres / Tachophobia - Fear Of Speed / Taeniophobia or Teniophobia - Fear Of Tapeworms / Taphephobia Or Taphophobia - Fear Of Being Buried Alive Or Of Cemeteries / Tapinophobia - Fear Of being Contagious / Taurophobia - Fear Of Bulls / Technophobia - Fear Of Technology / Teleophobia / Teratophobia - Fear Of Bearing A Deformed Child / Testophobia - Fear Of Taking Tests / Tetanophobia - Fear Of Lockjaw, Tetanus / Teutophobia - Fear Of German / Textophobia - Fear Of Certain Fabrics / Thaasophobia - Fear Of Sitting / Thanatophobia or Thantophobia - Fear Of Death Or Dying