I was afraid to do anything that might cause me harm. Boating, driving and even eating some times scared me.
Overcoming my fear was the best thing that I ever experienced. Energy Therapy was the best book I have ever invested in.
I have new hope for my life and do not dwell on dying anymore.
I have a new look on life thanks to you. I appreciate your writing this book.
It is so nice that someone took the time to help people just like me that really need it.
Fran Goebel
Other Names
Being Buried Phobia
Cremation Fear
Cremation Phobia
Dying Fear
Dying Phobia
Entombment Fear
Entombment Phobia
Fear of Being Buried
Fear of Cremation
Fear of Dying
Fear of Entombment
Phobia of Being Buried
Phobia of Cremation
Phobia of Dying
Phobia of Entombment
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Theatrophobia - Fear Of Theatres / Tachophobia - Fear Of Speed / Taeniophobia or Teniophobia - Fear Of Tapeworms / Taphephobia Or Taphophobia - Fear Of Being Buried Alive Or Of Cemeteries / Tapinophobia - Fear Of being Contagious / Taurophobia - Fear Of Bulls / Technophobia - Fear Of Technology / Teleophobia / Telephonophobia - Fear Of Telephones / Teratophobia - Fear Of Bearing A Deformed Child / Testophobia - Fear Of Taking Tests / Tetanophobia - Fear Of Lockjaw, Tetanus / Teutophobia - Fear Of German / Textophobia - Fear Of Certain Fabrics / Thaasophobia - Fear Of Sitting / Thalassophobia - Fear Of The Sea